All posts by Darryl Statler

The Mission: Make Disciples

Date: 4/28/2019
Title: The Mission: Make Disciples
Speaker: Darryl J. Stalter
Scripture: Matthew 28:16-20


Prior to his ascension, Jesus gives to his church its mission in Matthew 28. The mission is to make disciples. This is often referred to as the Great Commission, but has unfortunately turned into the Great Omission. The Great Commission is not an option. The Great Commission is the mission of King Jesus, by his power and authority given to his church, to be fully carried out with the objective of redeeming a discipled people unto God by going, baptizing, and teaching in the presence of our King. The question is not whether or not you are a part of the mission; you are! The question is what part will you play in fulfilling this mission from the King.

The Mission_Make Disciples (Slides)

He is Risen Indeed!

Date: 4/21/2019
Title: He is Risen Indeed!
Speaker: Pastor Darryl J. Stalter
Scripture: Matthew 27:55-28:15


If the resurrection if untrue, then there is no Christian faith. But if it is true, if the tomb is indeed empty, then we need to take Jesus’ message of salvation through repentance and faith in Him seriously. Today we will be looking at the resurrection of Christ and see where the evidence leads. My hope and prayer are that The Holy Spirit will reveal to you that “He is risen. He is risen indeed!”

He is Risen Indeed (Slides)


It is Finished!

Date: 4/14/2019
Title: It is Finished!
Speaker: Pastor Darryl J. Stalter
Scripture: Matthew 27:45-54


Palm Sunday is the day we remember Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. It is often called the Triumphal Entry because it somewhat mirrors the triumphal processions after conquests of kings and generals in the first century. Yet, this might not be the best description of what unfolded because those who were crying “Hosanna to the Son of David!” on Sunday, were crying “crucify him” and “bring us Barabbas” by Friday. That Sunday was in fact the Passover lamb selection day in which each Israelite household was to select a lamb without blemish to sacrifice in order to avoid the coming of God’s wrath in the final plague of Egypt. The true victory was no found in the “Triumphal Entry,” but in Jesus’ finished work on the cross for our redemption from our sin, for our reconciliation to God, and for our future resurrection.

It is Finished (Slides)

Mocking the King of Kings

Date: 4/7/2019
Title: Mocking the King of Kings
Speaker: Pastor Darryl J.Stalter
Scripture: Matthew 27:27-44


Jesus is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. He is the creator of the world, and its Savior. Yet, even when crucified Jesus was mocked by the world, the religious self-righteous, and the sinners who were next to Him. This is also true today. But, this mocked King also offers hope and salvation to those who would mock Him.

Mocking the King of Kings (Slides)

Denying Jesus: The Path to Restoration

Date: 3/17/2019
Title: Denying Jesus: The Path to Restoration
Speaker: Pastor Darryl J. Stalter
Scripture: John 21:1-19


When you deny Jesus, when you fail your Lord, you may wonder if you can get back up again. Your denial has resulted in sorrow and grief, and you may deep down wonder if God still loves you. The good news is that you are not alone. Peter denied Christ the night he was betrayed and arrested, resulting in sorrow, grief, and a general wondering if his calling was lost. In John 21 Jesus restores Peter not with condemnation, but with a simple question: Do you love me?

Denying Jesus_The Path to Restoration (Slides)

Denying Jesus: The Path to Denial

Date: 3/10/19
Title: Denying Jesus: The Path to Denial
Speaker: Pastor Darryl J. Stalter
Scripture: Matthew 26:69-75


Matthew 26 chronicles Peter’s denial of Jesus Christ. How is it that this disciple who was called “the rock” suddenly denies the Lord he swore he would never abandon. If it can happen to Peter it can happen to any one of us. A close examination of the account and the events that led up to it will reveal that it was a process of small choices and inattention that led Peter to this denial, and could also lead to our own.

Denying Jesus_The Path to Denial (Slides)

Jesus on Trial

Date: 3/3/2019
Title: Jesus on Trial
Speaker: Darryl J. Stalter
Scripture: Matthew 26:47-68


In our social media driven culture people are often judged in the court of public opinion rather than in a court room. Judgments are passed without a review of the evidence, but are based upon conjectures, preconceptions, and feelings. This was also applied to Jesus in Matthew 26. Jesus was already condemned prior to any trial. Unfortunately, this is also done to him today.

Christ on Trial (Slides)

Christ When Pressed

Title: Christ When Pressed
Speaker: Pastor Darryl J. Stalter
Scripture: Matthew 26:30-56


Often in life we face burdens and trials that press down on us like a heavy weight; like a heavy mill stone. At time like these we are tempted to draw within ourselves. We think that we are alone. The good news is that we are not. In Matthew 26 Jesus faces the press of his own mission, his coming agony, and the betrayal of those he holds most dear. We have a Savior who can truly empathize with the pressures we experience in life because He Himself went through them. Yet, he responded to them with grace, humility, submission, and love. We are called to do likewise.

Christ When Pressed (Slides)