Hello all,
What an exciting month of June for BPCC. so let me jump right into it. As a church we had our first communion as a church, as we tried to do it a little different. Instead of the “traditional” way of having communion we decided to have a table set up and people could come up and partake it at the table by dipping the “bread” into the “grape juice”, yes it was different but thought it went really well.
Second we had our first Baptism (If you have Facebook, you would have seen the pictures).
I have been asking you all to pray for us to send core people, this month we had a family join us that will not only be a help to me but the wife will share the load with Sherry with our 2-5 yr. old kids.
Also, we had our first disappointment, we lost our first couple that were sold believers and helping us a lot.
Overall, I was so amazed to see God work in the month of June and can not wait to see what He does in July.
Please pray for more core leaders, specifically for someone that is trusted enough that could help with the finances of the church. And someone who is strong with evangelism (I am more of a disciple maker)
Also, we are having a outreach project/ advertisement of our church , handing out free water to the community on July 12.
Thank you again for those who are praying and supporting us, I want you to know that your prayers and donations are not going in vain.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
God Bless and Go MAD