We are Ready

The title maybe a little misleading so let me explain. As I am writing this, it is 34 degrees outside and snowing and it is March 28. Spring has started, well at least the calendar says it has. We will begin having Sunday Services in just a couple of weeks. We have a school to use. We have received our banner flag to put outside of the school to let people know we are here. We have all of our sound system equipment to get us up and running. We have received our Event Postcards to pass out to the community. We have received our pens to give to our guest. Purchased the laptop for our church to use. We have the bodies to have child care of our children ages 2-5 years old. We have greeters to greet people that come into our service. We will have coffee ready for those that maybe a little tired doing something new as going to church on a Sunday instead of staying in bed. So it seems that we are ready. The one thing that you might not have seen or thought of is someone to lead worship for us. Yes we are going to go ahead even though we do not have this one element, we trust in God to give us a worship experience like no other. We do ask that you pray for us as we forge forward.

I would like to give you a little update from the last blog. When I wrote last time I told you that we were using Brooklyn Park Middle for around $630 a week. Well Praise be to God that price has been reduced to only $231 a week. Yes, that is correct, I did not make a typo. If you would like to know how, let me know and I would love to tell you. The banner flag was not going to be free because that was the one thing they could not get free, so we had to purchase one. God is working in and through us.

Once again, thank you all for your prayers and givings to Sherry and I and I am glad to keep you all updated so you can see the results of what your support is doing.

With all that being said, here is what you can pray for us this month:

1. Worship leader

2. Core people to join us

3. For me to keep focused and trusting God with EVERY part of my life and ministry

4. Finances

We need your help, if you would like to help us pass out event postcards for our church services, please contact me for time and directions. We will passing them out on Saturday April 11th.

So I guess we are not completely ready…

George Gracie Jr.

Lead pastor (Church Planter)

Brooklyn Park Community Church

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